Sobrlife Apperal on a group of friends Cropped-V2


Our cause is conversation. The life-saving conversation parents need to have with their teenagers, the conversation we all need to have with our elected officials, the conversation about eliminating the social stigma connected to addiction and recovery.

This confrontation of this stigma needs to be shouted down so those struggling can openly seek and get the life-saving help available.

Those in active addiction cannot be discriminated against; we in active recovery cannot afford to stay cloaked in anonymity or confidentiality.

We have to have a voice and a chat about our new reality.

If racial discrimination has a voice and gay marriage gets a voice, then addicts everywhere can strengthen our collective voice and create change.

Support it OUT LOUD!


We are HERE, CLEAR, and a force to FEAR.

SOBRLIFE WATER is a premium 100% Artesian water brand committed to making a positive impact. Sourced from pristine natural springs, each bottle of SOBRLIFE WATER offers refreshing, high-quality hydration while supporting a meaningful cause.

DROWN the STIGMA. Drink your recovery OUT LOUD. 


Follow Jay the horse as he journeys down multiple pathways to freedom. 

Our team is participating in the Shatterproof Walk to End Addiction Stigma to raise vital funds that will transform the way addiction is treated in America.  We are helping to break down the stigma that surrounds our loved ones with this chronic, treatable disease. Together, let’s ensure more people have greater access to quality care and recovery.  

Help us make a difference.

Please join our team or donate today to support our efforts. 

Together, we can save lives. Together, we are Shatterproof!

Get sober Stay Sober

The SOBRLIFE is a lifestyle centered around positivity, wellness, and unwavering support from the sober community.

It's a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth, where individuals find strength in the camaraderie of like-minded souls. Embracing sobriety, they nurture a profound sense of purpose.

This positive way of living unlocks life's true essence, empowering each member to embrace their full potential and live authentically, buoyed by the loving embrace of the sober community.



In a world that's constantly on the move, seeking inspiration, support, and guidance on the path to sobriety can sometimes be challenging. However, the digital age has brought about innovative solutions, and one such platform that's making waves is This digital treasure trove of audio content is revolutionizing the way individuals navigate their sober journeys by providing a diverse range of podcasts that inspire, educate, and foster a sense of community.


That is what SOBRLIFE recovery apparel is all about. Embracing the vibrant journey of sobriety with unwavering pride and positivity. It's a community where each milestone is celebrated, and every challenge is conquered together. Discover the beauty of a life free from the shadows of addiction. Join us to find inspiration, build connections, and live authentically. Let's shout from the rooftops about the power of sobriety and the strength it brings to our lives. Recovery apparel from SOBRLIFE: where positivity and pride pave the way to a brighter, healthier future.

Introducing SOBRsure  - a fitness-style wearable band that provides continuous, passive alcohol monitoring.

The band’s innovative technology is the new compelling solution for advanced alcohol safety, support, and recovery. There is no administered or scheduled testing… clients simply wear the band and live life. The technology also makes it easy for families or professionals to monitor progress. SOBRsure’s application provides alcohol detection alerts, pinpoint location tracking and band removal notifications.

Product w-Box_DSC05800-retouched-1Key product features include:

+ Privacy-forward wearable alcohol detection
+ Continuous remote monitoring
+ App-based reporting
+ GPS tracking
+ Removal alerts
+ 3-day battery life
+ Comfortable, adjustable band
+ Easy-charge dock
+ USB power cable



SoberVerse stands as a vibrant online haven, purpose-built for the sober community to unite and thrive. Within its virtual walls, a supportive atmosphere flourishes, offering a safe harbor for individuals seeking solace and camaraderie on their journey to sobriety. It's a space where sharing personal stories and experiences isn't just encouraged but celebrated, forging connections that inspire and heal. Here, you'll find unwavering support for your triumphs and challenges alike, fostering an environment where empathy and understanding flow freely. SoberVerse is a place to uplift, heal, and embrace the transformative power of sobriety.