Contingency Management in California and Joining Sobercoin

California and Sobercoin Offer Groundbreaking Support for Staying Sober

Welcome to our SOBRLIFE recovery warriors and our sober curious friends too! If you’re in recovery in California you may have heard about this powerful tool called contingency management. And even if you’re not in the Golden State, trust us, this is something you will want to know about! 

California’s Contingency Management (CM) Benefit is a groundbreaking program to address stimulant use disorder through behavioral interventions that reward you for meeting your treatment goals. And SOBRLIFE is now offering our own CM resource, Sobercoin, which is open to anyone seeking support nationwide!

First, we’ll look at contingency management in California, how it’s changing the recovery landscape, and why joining us in using Sobercoin can be a difference maker for your sobriety. 

It just might be the game-changer you’ve been looking for. So keep reading, and let’s get into the science and background of positive reinforcement programs and how they can help support lasting recovery success.

What is Contingency Management?

Let’s get to the nitty gritty. Contingency management (CM) is a type of behavioral therapy that uses positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. 

In the context of substance use recovery, specifically for stimulant use disorder (StimUD), it’s about rewarding you for being clean and sober. Think of it as a (financial) high-five from the universe every time you make a good choice.

The idea is simple: when you do something good (like provide a clean drug test or attend a therapy session), you get a tangible reward. This could be gift cards and prizes or cold hard cash. The goal? To make recovery from this disorder not just a challenge but a fun and rewarding journey.

California’s First in the Nation: Contingency Management Benefit

Contingency management in California concept pic shows skid row in Los Angeles

Now here’s where it gets good for Californians (and for those with access to such programs in Oregon, Washington, and Montana. The Golden State has been leading the way with contingency management programs and recognizing their potential to change the substance use treatment landscape. 

In 2022 California became the first state in the US to get federal approval to offer contingency management as a covered benefit under Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) [1]. This experimental program provides financial incentives to individuals with stimulant use disorder, specifically those struggling with meth addiction.

This is big, folks. California’s contingency management benefit program means those in Cali with substance use disorders can now get this evidence-based treatment without going broke. 

The program is specifically for stimulant use disorders, which have been notoriously hard to treat with traditional methods. Los Angeles County has the most participants in the program, and it is increasingly being offered by organizations across the state.

How Does it Work in Practice?

The California contingency management program is at least 24 weeks long and can be adopted on an ongoing basis for participants with success in this initial period. 

As part of the Recovery Incentives Program participants can earn financial incentives such as gift cards for negative drug test results and for attending treatment sessions. 

The maximum amount someone can earn in the program is about $600 annually [2].

Here’s how it works:

  1. Participants submit urine samples for drug testing.
  2. Each negative test result gets points or vouchers.
  3. Those points can be redeemed for rewards like gift cards or other incentives.
  4. The rewards often get bigger with each consecutive negative test to encourage long-term sobriety.

Note: This isn’t about paying people to be sober. It’s about rewarding the good choices they’re already making in their recovery.

The Science Behind the Success in Stimulant Use Disorder

You might be thinking, “Does this really work?” The short answer is yes! Many studies have shown contingency management is effective in treating substance use disorders, specifically for stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine [3]. 

This approach is most effective in treating stimulant use disorder by providing incentives to individuals for meeting treatment goals.

It works because of how our brains work. Substance use disorders can hijack the brain’s reward system making it hard for traditional treatments to compete with the powerful reinforcing effects of drugs. 

Contingency management is fighting fire with fire, using positive reinforcement to retrain the brain to associate healthy behaviors with rewards.

Sobercoin: SOBRLIFE’s Innovation in Contingency Management

Sobercoin is a free contingency management platform from SOBRLIFE

So let’s talk more about innovative recovery approaches. Sobercoin is a sobriety support tool and contingency management system offered by SOBRLIFE to supplement traditional treatment and support those in recovery.

Sobercoin works on the principles of contingency management but takes it digital. Here’s how it’s different:

  1. Digital Check-ins: Users can log their sobriety milestones through a simple app, easy to track progress.
  2. Community Support: Sobercoin isn’t just about individual rewards. It has community support forums where users can connect with others on the same journey, share experiences and offer support.
  3. Customized Rewards: The system has various reward options so users can choose what’s most meaningful to them.
  4. Progress Visualization: The app shows progress visually so users can see how far they’ve come and be motivated to keep going.
  5. Integration with Treatment Plans: Sobercoin can be integrated with existing treatment plans for a comprehensive approach to recovery.

By combining the science of contingency management with the convenience of digital and community support, Sobercoin is a total solution for those seeking recovery from substance use disorders.

Caveats on Contingency Management Programs

Contingency management has shown great results but it’s not without its drawbacks. Some say it can create dependence on external rewards rather than internal motivation. But proponents argue it’s using those external rewards as a bridge to help individuals experience the natural rewards of a sober life.

Opioid addiction has effective medication treatments like methadone, and stimulant use disorder doesn’t have such direct medical interventions, making it more sense of urgency and helplessness for healthcare workers dealing with stimulant cases. There’s also the question of sustainability. 

How long do these programs last? What happens when the rewards stop? These are important questions researchers and policymakers are working on, all while SOBRLIFE is leading the way with its own initiatives.

The Future of Recovery Incentives in California

As California offers an example for the rest of the country in implementing contingency management programs we’ll see more innovations and improvements in this approach. 

If these programs work it could lead to broader adoption across the country and maybe even change the way we treat substance use disorder nationally.

In San Francisco institutions like Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital are also pioneering new approaches to treat methamphetamine addiction through contingency management programs that reward patients with gift cards for negative drug tests.

In California and Across the Country, CM is Gaining Ground

For Californians in recovery or seeking treatment, contingency management programs through Medi-Cal and Sobercoin are new additions to the recovery toolbox. In places like Grass Valley community-related challenges and local initiatives around stimulant use disorders are highlighting the Medicaid program that supports participants in their recovery.

They offer hope, support, and tangible rewards for those taking the brave step toward a healthier substance-free life.

Remember recovery is a personal journey and what works best is different for each person. Contingency management and Sobercoin can be powerful tools but are most effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapy, peer support groups, and other evidence-based approaches.

Join Us at SOBRLIFE and Register for Sobercoin Today!

If you want to learn more about contingency management in California, click on the links above or contact your healthcare provider. And for more information and to join us in using Sobercoin, simply click here to register

At SOBRLIFE, we feel your recovery is unique and you deserve a support system that’s customized to you!

So stay strong, stay motivated, and stay tuned to our site for Sobercoin and all the recovery resources that matter most to you!


  1. California Department of Health Care Services. (2022). Contingency Management.
  2. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2022). California Expands Substance Use Treatment Options with Contingency Management.
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition).